+44 (0) 1494 792898 sales@ytron-quadro.co.uk

Providing Process Solutions to Industry

Ytron-Quadro, established in 1984, provide equipment and process solutions as sole UK representatives for a number of manufacturing companies worldwide. Ytron-Quadro specialise in providing process equipment for the Food, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Chemical industries through their 40 years of experience in the field of particle size reduction, mixing and powder incorporation technology.

Latest News

Please take a look at latest news post below. To view older news and past events, please visit our News page using the link below.

Making Pharma 2025

We will be exhibiting at Making Pharmaceuticals at the CBS arena in Coventry! For more information on what we will have on display, when to see us and industry updates click here.

Christmas 2024

Click here for an end of year update and to find out our office closures over the Christmas period for 2024. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

YQ Turns 40!

3rd October 1984, Ytron-Quadro began supplying process equipment to the UK industry and has never looked back.
Click here to see a brief history and how we celebrated our 40th Anniversary at the recent PPMA Show.

Popular Applications

Ytron-Quadro has been providing process solutions for powder and liquid processing systems since 1984. Our experience covers a range of application areas that are summarised below.


Ytron-Quadro specialise in powder and liquid processing. In particular we have many years experience in size reduction, mixing and production of gels pastes and creams. Ytron-Quadro are sole UK representatives for the companies below:

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